Lei M. Zhang bio photo

Lei M. Zhang

Senior Research Scientist at Google Deepmind

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Here are some packages that I have written.

  • lecturenotes A personalised R Markdown template that I use for writing my lecture notes and academic papers. Takes care of various inconsistencies that arise when you want to export (i.e. “knit”) that same .Rmd file to both HTML and PDF.
  • parttree A package for visualizing decision tree partitions in R with ggplot2. Useful as a pedagogical tool, where learners are trying to understand how a decision tree partitioned the data.

In addition to the above, I am a fairly active contributor to various open-source (mostly R) libraries. You can take a look at my GitHub page and I have also posted a fair number of gists (often used to answer a question that someone asked me on Twitter). A random selection of other guides, scripts, and tools:

  • arch-tips A fairly detailed changelog and collection of customization tips for Arch Linux.
  • containerit-demo Simple demo for automating a Docker image build from your R environment, using the neat containerit package.
  • hidpi.sh Shell script for fixing HiDPI scaling issues on Linux. Good for automating an otherwise laborious process following system or library updates.
  • open-access-fishery An interactive Shiny app for exploring open-access fishery dynamics. Good for an introductory resource economics class.
  • renv-rspm An example repo that demonstrates my recommonded approach to creating reproducible environments in R. Includes a video link.
  • tikz-examples Some examples of how to draw TikZ and PGFPlots figures in LaTeX, with a focus on environmental economics topics (e.g. a negative externality with deadweight loss).